The Purpose of Safe Haven United Church of Christ is to bring together a diversity of people who proclaim and confess Jesus as Lord in order to worship, know, praise and fulfill the will of God through the teachings of Jesus Christ who is proclaimed as Lord and Head of Safe Haven United Church of Christ; and to cultivate a membership whose conduct reflects Christlike attributes as lived by our Lord during His earthly ministry.
In August,1995, God ordained Rev. Dr. Wilson to begin a ministry in Brooklyn, NY. Organized under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Wilson and named Safe Haven Ministries, Inc., the first church service was held, Sunday, October 15, 1995 at the home of Deacons Peter and Judith Jones. In 2002, upon receiving full standing with the Metropolitan Association of the United Church of Christ. Safe Haven Ministries, Inc. was renamed, Safe Haven United Church of Christ.
- Jesus is Lord and the Head of the Church.
- The doors of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ are opened to whosoever will let him and let her come.
- We are to share and reflect the good news of God’s love exemplified by Jesus in His earthly ministry to all persons.
- We are ambassadors for Christ
- We acknowledge the dignity and worth of every person.
- Our vision must always be bigger than the money.
Safe Haven is affiliated with the United Church of Christ,a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. With more than 5,100 churches and 1.1 million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where “…they may all be one” (John 17:21).